Saturday, January 15, 2011


Hello friends! I'm sorry I've been so MIA for the past couple months... life in Korea has gotten busier and busier. There are still plenty of things to tell you about, but I can't seem to find the time or motivation to do so.

To be honest, I feel sort of overwhelmed right now by the effort it takes to try to live a life in a foreign country while still maintaining relationships back home. It's a lot of work and it leaves me feeling strapped for time.

Please accept this lame little post as my way of saying, "I'm alive, I'm doing well, I just don't have time to chronicle it right now."


  1. I miss you on here but I can imagine how hard it is considering I struggle to maintain connections with people mere miles away from me. Someday we will Skype a little though, I refuse to go the entire time you are away without a little "face to face" time :)

  2. wow wow wow!!! i've never seen anything like this, i wonder if the smell is just as powerful! breathtaking!!!
    korea flower
    seoul flower
