Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Power of the Human Mind

Having never taught anything to anyone in my life, I wasn't really sure what to expect when I came to South Korea... to teach.

I tried to completely erase any expectations I had, because if there's one thing that life has taught me... expectations are always way off. Way better or way worse; either way... off.

I had no idea what I was in store for by any means, but I think perhaps one of the most surprising finds for me has been the sheer intelligence of children.

When I think 'kids', thoughts of problem solving and critical thinking don't easily come to mind. Usually it's problem-making. And sticky fingers.

My students have shown me otherwise.

These kids are bright. Real bright. Today, for example, I had to teach my class of six year olds about odd and even number combinations in a foreign language. A language that they are by no means fluent in. This is a brand new concept for them, too. New concept, new numbers, new language. I was skeptical.

But - by jove! - they got it! I was so proud of them! And, to be honest, I was a little proud of myself, too. I never thought I could teach a bunch of squirmy six year olds about math in a foreign language. Maybe I'm not so bad at this whole teaching thing, after all.


  1. You should be proud of yourself!! I have never taught, but it doesn't look easy, especially with little ones, so be very proud of yourself every time one of your students learns something :)

  2. I can totally see you as a teacher. I'd love to hear more about how your day goes with them... how you teach, etc.

    Love you!


  3. congrats! sounds like you're going to have a year full of wonderful surprises and that you will be growing right along those squirmy little 6 yr olds
